Tuesday, December 7, 2010

'Thomas': A Miniseries

Since I don't have time to blog these days, I thought that I would share with you, my eleven followers, a story written by me and my brother a ways back. I'll do a bit at a time so that you have time to 'digest' the story (pardon the pun).

Tom sat stunned: another email from sdued91@hotmail stared back at him, unread. The subject was the familiar, “hello, u!”. Scratching his sweat pants, he leaned back in his chair, thoroughly unsettled. Who could possibly have the nerve to hack into his personal email not only once, but continuously? He pondered the possibilities, and given his cultural anthropology background, he concluded that this sort of audacity was only found in South Korea or a small tribe in western Tanzania (who would’ve thought his degree would be used for this!?).
Pushing himself out of the chair, he shuffled over to the bookshelf thoughtfully, and pulling out a well worn Introduction to Cultural Anthropology book thumbed through the pages.
‘Ah’ he said softly, stopping at a page and running his finger down it. ‘Yes, yes , yes…” He walked back to the computer and sat down, putting on a pair of bifocals. ‘Arranged Marriage… Avunculocal Status… Audacity.’ He stopped, whistled under his breath, and looked back at the email.
“This can’t be right,” he muttered to himself, running his hand absentmindedly through his thinning hair. He felt a cold sweat burst on his forehead.

Stay tuned to find out what out what happens to Thomas, the budding anthropologist. The harrowing series of events that Thomas will soon be rattled by will keep you on the edge of your seats! And there was no pun, I just wanted to confuse you.


  1. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaa

  2. Please tell me how you come up with this stuff!?!

  3. ugh, so my 13 year old sil must have logged in to her account. this is and that was just me!
