Thursday, March 3, 2011

We Interrupt Our Program....

You may wonder all the mention of mail boxes, my faithful readers? How do mailboxes fit into the story of Thomas the Anthropologist? Believe it or not, but mail boxes are a staple unique to the developed world. Do you think that the African Bushmen have mail boxes? Think again! Further, these seemingly innocuous containers are in fact highly indicative of the increasingly stratified social structure of our American culture- the long, bleak rows of residential mail boxes peculiar to the rapidly diminishing middle class, the ornate mail boxes of those who reside in high society, the common mailboxes of those who reside in group homes... and the decorative mail boxes which are highly symbolic of those who choose to step outside of the cultural box and think for themselves, those who fight for an egalitarian, individualist society- like our own dear Christopher Charles. Embrace this cultural phenomenon and express your individuality. Initiate your rise above the unthinking masses with a unique mail box. If nothing else, impress your mail person with a personable mail box that expresses YOU. And next time you look at a mail box, thank your lucky stars that you are in a country which not only HAS mail boxes, but allows you the freedom to choose your own personal mailbox. Click on the links to explore the world of mailboxes!

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